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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Put an end to the Cholesterol Part X

Burn Fat Fast article: Put An End To The Cholesterol Without Any Medecine Part X

The end of this dessert recipes and the Christmas eve recipes against the cholesterol:

You will see here that it is possible to make a gastronomic menu with a low level of cholesterol. You have to privilege the fish against the fat meat.

Flambe bananas:
Ingredients: 4 bananas not too ripe, 40 gr of margarine enriched in sterols to cook, 4 caster sugar spoons, 1 glass of agricultural rum.

Peel the bananas, divide them in 2 parts along the length. Melt the margarine in a large pan. Cook the bananas 4 minutes on each side of each with soft fire. Put down the bananas in a hot dish add sugar on it. Warm the rum till the boiling, ignite it and pour it on the bananas while bringing it to table.

Black currant mousse:
Ingredients: 400 gr of pulp of blackcurrant (a ready-made mousse bought in a store), 60 gr of caster sugar, 1 sheet of gelatin, 200 gr of soft white cheese (fresh cheese) with 0% fat content, 5 gr of vanilla sugar.

Soften the gelatin with fresh water and reserve. Warm the glass of blackcurrant pulp and incorporate the gelatin. Mix the rest of pulp with 40 gr of caster sugar. Whip the soft white cheese. Add the rest of sugar and the vanilla sugar. Mix delicately the pulp, whipped soft white cheese and the gelatin. Distribute in 4 glasses. Leave in the refrigerator 1 hour.

Soup of peaches with pink pepper:
Ingredients: 4 white peaches, 25 cl of sweet white wine, 70 gr of sugar, 1 full spoon of pink pepper, 8 raspberries.

Peel the peaches. Pour the wine and the sugar in a pan. Let melt the sugar. When the wine boils, add the peaches and the pink pepper. Let cook 10 minutes with soft fire. Pour in a fruit dish. Leave 12 hours in the refrigerator. Lay out raspberries and served fresh.

Melted of fruit:
Ingredients: 750 gr of varied fruits of season, 400 gr of apricot jam, 1.5 dl water, 0.5 dl of “Grand-Marnier”.

Take out the tail, peel, wash and cut the fruits in dices. Place them in a large tureen and sprinkle them with the “Grand-Marnier”. Let macerate 1 hour. Passes the jam to the “moulinette”, add water. Pour the mixture in a sauce pan for fondue. Make boil 3 minutes. Place it in the center of the table on the stove. Lay out the pieces of fruits in the cups use wood sticks to soak the fruits in the sauce.

Covered pineapple:
Ingredients: 1 pineapple of 1 kg, 200 gr of frozen blackcurrant, 4 cl of blackcurrant liquor, 2 white eggs, 1 salt pinch.

Peel the pineapple, cut in 8 slices. Place them in a plate, sprinkle with blackcurrant liquor. Let macerate several hours while turning over the slices every hour. Reserve the juice. At the time of being useful, lay out the slices of pineapple on a plate in the oven. Salt the egg white, beat the eggs in snow. Distribute them on the pineapple slices and introduce the plate in the oven. Let cook thermostat 4 during 15 minutes. Lay out 2 slices on each plate and add on it the reserved juice.

The Christmas eve menu:
(For 8 people)

Salmon Gravelax:
Ingredients: 1 salmon trout or 1 small salmon of 1 kg, 3 spoonful of salt, 1.5 spoonful of caster sugar, 1 half teaspoon of black pepper (roughly crushed), 1 or 2 boots of dill.

Empty the fish and open the fish as a wallet. Eliminate the fish bone. With a tweezers, withdraw minutely the little fish bones on the surface. Spread the interior of the fish with the salt-sugar-pepper mixture and the half of dill. Close again the fish and lock up hermetically in an aluminum foil. Leave it 48 hours in the refrigerator. Take the fish out of the fridge, carefully scrape its flesh to eliminate dill and pepper. Cut out in very thin slices without reaching the skin (like a smoked salmon). Add on the slices a little bit of olive oil. Strew with dill finely chiseled. Present it in the dish of service. Garnish with half-sections of lemon. Accompany with fine roasted farmhouse bread sections.

Stuffed turkey:
Ingredients: 1 turkey of 2,5 kg, 500 gr of stuffing, salt and pepper.

Recipe of this light stuffing:
Ingredients: 2 beautiful turkey escallops, 2 section of bolled ham without fat, 2 spoon of grape pips oil, 2 shallots, salt and pepper.
In a pan, bleach chopped shallots in hot oil. Add chopped escallops and chopped ham. Cook it 10 minutes. Add salt and pepper.

Stuff the turkey copiously. Cook it in the furnace thermostat 7 (175 degree Celsius) during 3 hours minimum by taking care well to sprinkle turkey with its juice of cooking every half-hour. Accompany by a chestnut puree.

Pineapple in jelly:
Ingredients: 2 fresh pineapples, 8 gelatin sheets, 1 fresh pineapple juice bottle, 4 spoon of caster sugar.

Peel and cut 2 pineapples in slices. Put down the slices in small cups. Weaken the sheets of gelatin, boil it in one half-bottle of pineapple juice. Add sugar and mix with the rest of the fruit juice. Pour in the cups, place its a few hours in the refrigerator. Unmould under hot water.

Other Articles About How To Put An End To The Cholesterol Without Any Medecine:

Burn Fat Fast

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Put an end to the Cholesterol Part VIIII

Burn Fat Fast article: Put An End To The Cholesterol Without Any Medecine Part VIIII

the end of this cholesterol one week menu + recipes of desserts

Just here the end of this cholesterol one week menu. In this desserts section, you will be perhaps surprised by the use of sugar. These recipes are recipes for a cholesterol diet not for a regular diet. The first source of the cholesterol comes from the animal fat. Therefore only lean meats are used in these recipes. Again about the sugar, you can replace it with a synthetic sugar which provides almost no calories. Other point, the sugar is a produced by the human being. But the honey is a natural product. Its sugar properties are 200% higher than a regular sugar and it provides as well the half of calories.

Braised endives (Braised chicory):
ingredients: 500 gr of endives, 30 gr of margarine enriched in sterols to cook, 1 small onion, 1 lemon, salt and pepper.

Clean endives. With a sharped knife dig and eliminate the interior of the feet (often bitter). Wash and wipe them. Color the endives in a pan with 30 gr margarine. When they are well colored, add chopped onion and lemon juice salt and pepper. Cover and leave stewing one hour with soft fire. Turn over from time to time.

Rabbit in “gibellotte” (a french term):
Ingredients: 1 rabbit cut of pieces, 50 gr of thin smoked ham, 8 small onions, 1 soup spoon of flour, 1 clove of garlic, 100 gr of mushrooms of Paris, 1 dry white wine glass, 1 furnished bouquet, 20 gr of margarine enriched in sterols to cook, salt and pepper.

Cut out ham in little block. In a pan color the whole onions and the ham. Reserve and leave only the juice in the pan. Color the pieces of rabbit. Powder with flour and mix. Add the white wine, the pieces of ham, onions and the furnished bouquet, salt and pepper. Let cook with soft fire 45 minutes. Add chopped mushrooms and let cook again 15 minutes. Serve this plate with boiled potato's or pastas.

Carpaccio of Saint-Jacob:
Ingredients: 8 nuts of Saint-Jacob, 1 lemon, 4 teaspoons of olive oil, salt flower of “Guérande” (an island in France where the salt is produced) and pepper.

Cut the nuts of Saint-Jacob in very thin slices. Lay out them on 4 plates. Add the lemon juice, olive oil, pepper and some grains of salt flower. Reserve 20 minutes in a fresh place.

Lucculus escallop with green salad:
Ingredients: 4 thin veal escallops, 50 gr of vegetable margarine to cook, 2 soup spoons of flour, 4 thin smoked ham slices without the fat, 4 thin slices of Gruyere with 18% fat content, salt and pepper.

Add flower, salt and pepper to the escallops. In a large pan, color the meat with the margarine 4 minutes on each side. Put down on each escallop a ham slice and a Gruyere slice. Leave stewing until the cheese is melted. Serve with it pasta.

Pears with the wine:
Ingredients: 4 ripened pears, 25 cl red wine, 100 gr of sugar, 2 slices of lemon, 2 slices of orange, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 8 grains of pepper.

Boil the wine with the different ingredients in a large pan. Peel pears without taking out the tails. Cook the pears in the wine during 20 minutes. Serve a pear and its sauce in an individual cup.

Peach in grapefruit jelly:
Ingredients: 4 fresh peaches or a tin of peaches in syrup, 25 cl of pink grapefruit juice, 4 sheets of gelatin, 2 sugar spoons.

Add cold water on the gelatin leave. Cut the peaches in thin slices. Distribute the slices in 4 cups (ramequin in French). Boil the grapefruit juice with the sugar. Take the leave of gelatin in hand, extract the water and add it to the preparation. Pour the liquid on the peaches. Leave 2 hours in the refrigerator. Unmould and serve it in plate.

Charlotte with pears:
Ingredients: 4 half-pears with syrup, 4 spoonful of caster sugar, 2 spoonful of brandy of pear, 1 lemon, 20 lady fingers (sponge biscuits), 4 sheets of gelatin, 250 gr of soft white cheese (fresh cheese) with 0% fat content.

Soak the biscuits in the mixture of water and brandy of pear. Spread the cavity walls and bottom of a Charlotte with slightly soaked biscuits. Dissolve the gelatin (beforehand in cold water) in the hot lemon juice the gelatin sheets. Mix this preparation with the soft white cheese. Incorporate the pieces of pears cut in small dices of 1 cm. Fill the mould with this preparation. Leave one night with fridge. Unmould right before the service.

Apples in curl paper:
Ingredients: 4 beautiful golden apples, 1 lemon juice, 4 pieces of sugar, cinnamon powder, 4 full spoons of raspberry jelly.

Peel the apples, dig their center and eliminate it. Put down there a piece of sugar. Place the fruits on an aluminum foil, add lemon juice, cinnamon powder and close them hermetically in curl paper. Cook in the oven thermostat 7 (175 degree) during 25 minutes. At the time to be served, furnish the center of the apples with jelly raspberry.

The other desserts recipes will be covered in the next article with as well the Christmas eve recipes: a Long and gastronomical menu with of course no bad constituents for your cholesterol.

Other Articles Of How To Put An End To The Cholesterol Without Any Medecine:

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Saturday, December 08, 2007

Put an end to the Cholesterol Part VIII

Burn Fat Fast article: Put An end to the Cholesterol Without Any Medecine Part VIII

You can find the list of this one week menu in the previous article. Those recipes are very low in cholesterol and as you can see the fat from animal source is avoided. It is as well important to respect the way of cooking. You have to eat food low in cholesterol but the way of cooking plays as well a big role. Some way of cooking are completely prohibited like: stew cooking, braise cooking and fry cooking (good info about it within part III).

White salad of cucumber:
Ingredients: 2 cucumbers, 100 G of soft white cheese with 0% fat, 1 spoon of grape pips oil, chive, salt and pepper.

Cut out peeled cucumbers in very fine plates. In a bowl, mix with the whip soft white cheese, the oil of grape pips, salt and pepper. Harmoniously lay out the discs of cucumbers in 4 cups. Add the sauce and strew with small chive sections.

Roasted (preserved) sweet peppers:
Ingredients: 2 large red peppers, 2 spoon of olive oil, salt and pepper.

Cook the peppers one hour in the oven. Let cool them. To peel and cut its in slices of 5 mm . Add the olive oil, the salt and the pepper. Keep it one hour in the fridge.

Stuffed tomatoes:
Ingredients: 2 beautiful turkey escallops, 2 section of bolled ham without fat, 2 spoon of grape pips oil, 2 shallots, salt and pepper.
In a pan, to make bleach chopped shallots in hot oil. Add chopped escallops and chopped ham. Cook it 10 minutes. Add salt and pepper. Garnish the tomatoes with this thin preparation.

Herrings potato salads:
Ingredients: 12 vacuum herring nets, 1 large carrot, 1 large white onion, 25Cl olive oil, 8 Roseval potatoes, crushed pepper.
Peel carrot, slice it in very fine pieces. Peel the onion and slice it as well in very fine pieces.
In a rectangular pot (capacity 1 liter), lay out in successive and repetitive layers the nets of herrings (three by layers), the carrot discs then the onion discs. Strew with crushed pepper and so on (4 layers). Cover with olive oil. Leave 48 hours in the fridge. Be used for the plate and accompany by peeled potato cooked with the vapour.

Farfalles (sort of pasta) with tuna and its small vegetables:
Ingredients: 250 gr. Farfalle pasta, 1 carrot, 1 zucchini, 2 tins of tuna with oil (160 gr.), 160 gr. Grated cheese gr. (Light and 25% fat), 50 gr. of capers, salt and pepper.

Prepare the carrot and the zucchini as Julienne (little sticks of vegetables). Cook 10 minutes the pasta and this Julienne of vegetables. Drain and pour it in a salad bowl. Incorporate therefore tuna, grated cheese and capers and mix it. Taste it and add salt and pepper.

Salmon in curl paper:
Ingredients: 4 nice darnes of fresh salmon , 4 teaspoon of white wine, salt and pepper.
Preheat the oven, 200 degree C Put down each piece the salmon on a sheet of aluminum paper. Sprinkle each piece with a spoon of white wine. Strew with tarragon, add salt and pepper. Close hermetically while rolling the aluminum foil. Lay out in the dripping-pan. Cook it 15 minutes. Serve curl-paper in plate accompanied by a puree of spinach (frozen package of 400 gr.).

Calf chop:
The cooking of the chops is essential. It is done in an anti-adhesive pan and without fat content. Seize the meat on the two faces a few minutes, then let cook during 25 minutes, very soft while frequently turning the chop. Salt and pepper. At the end of the cooking the meat will be marrowy, well cooked and slightly caramelized on the surface. Server with it a vegetable puree.

N.B. for remind, the calf is low in cholesterol


Ingredients: 250 gr burbot, 250 gr. calamari, 4 chicken legs, 250 gr. fresh pea, 250 gr. rice, 2 large onions, 2 red peppers, 4 cloves of garlic, 50 Cl of meat broth, 4 spoon of olive oil, curry, salt and pepper.

In a large paella pan, make bleach in the olive oil rice, cloves of garlic and chopped onions. Add the broth, the curry, the chicken legs, the pieces of burbot, the pieces of calamari, red peppers cut in fine slices, pieces of tomatoes and peas. Salt and pepper and let cook half an hour. Present in the pan.

Salad of tagliatelli (sort of pasta):
Ad salt to the peeled cucumber. After a while clean the cucumber and cut in fine slices. Cut smoked salmon in little strips. Cook the tagliatelli 7 minutes. Incorporate all the ingredients together. Use the pepper of the mill.

Sea-bream with lemon:
Ingredients: 1 sea-bream of 1 kg, 2 onions, 1 lemon, 1 clove of garlic, 2 spoon of olive oil, thyme, parsley, salt and pepper.

Hollow out, empty, wash and wipe sea-bream. Warm the oven, 210 degree C. Make a minced meat with onions, garlic and the parsley. Just make incisions on the back of the fish on each 2 cm and introduce a half-disc lemon. Place it in a big dish. Salt and pepper and have the sheets of thyme around fish. Just add olive oil et cook it an half hour.

The last recipes of this week menu with be given in the next article with as well the recipes about the desserts and the christmas eve. And there I will show you that it is possible to make a long and gastronomic menu with a very low level of cholesterol.

Here Other Articles How To Put An End To The Cholesterol Without Any Medecine:

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Friday, December 07, 2007

Put an end to the Cholesterol Part VII

Burn Fat Fast article: Put An End To The Cholesterol Without Any MedecinePart VII

In the fight against cholesterol, I present to you in this part a certain number of menus and easily realizable receipts if you have enough time for the purchases, the development of certain dishes and their tasting.
It is not always the same: you will be sometime very busy or out of your house for business or guest with a dinner or a cocktail.
The daily practice will be the subject of this part: Breakfast, 4 type of sandwiches, One week of menus, Desserts and Recipes of Christmas eve

1. Breakfast:
It is the most important meal of your day. Balanced well, it enables you to avoid: that sinking feeling (around 11 A.M.), nibbling and a too rich meal at midday.

If you have the bad habits to begin the day with a simple cup of coffee or tea swallowed while running, you really need to re-educate yourself:
- Take your time: Set your alarm clock to sound fifteen minutes earlier. Prepare a true small well balanced meal and in agreement with your own taste. Taste it quietly.
- Reduce your evening meal and make if possible a walk before going to bed. Indeed, night digestion is slower and if your dinner is too copious, you will not have next morning any appetite.
- Be imaginative: You frequently have to vary the composition of your breakfast. You have only one rule to respect: no fat apart from the vegetable margarine.

The sort of foods (very low in cholesterol) you have to privilege:
- Natural bread, cereals, dairy produces with 0% fat, honey and jam with moderation, fresh fruits and fruit salads.
- Also consume: the bolled ham or mountain ham but without the fat border, the fried white eggs.
- Drink at will: black coffee, tea, skimmed milk and fresh fruit juice.
- Definitively give up: the viennoiseries, the egg yolks, the cold cuts, the fried bacon and the milk chocolate.

2. Four types of sandwiches fully coherent against the bad cholesterol:
- Edge of sea sandwich: a little hamburger bread, roll mops fillets, slices of onion, yoghourt with 0% fat with pepper and lemon.

- Traditional sandwich: French loaf, white ham without the fat border, tomato slices, green salad, mustard.

- Vegetarian sandwich: two toast sections, fried white eggs, chive, two sheets of lettuce.

- Bar sandwich: A little bread, a slice of Parma ham, two gherkins.

3. One week of menus:
The receipts presented are calculated for four people. But, you will easily adapt the quantities to the number of guests.

We ask you scrupulously to respect the used ingredients and the modes of cooking. The presented menus call upon only good fats and the selected food is the least rich in cholesterol.

The used dressings will be always based on olive oil, grape pips oil, nut oil, soya oil or sunflower oil.

The dairy produces will be always with 0% fat.

Let us finally specify that the receipts are of easy realization and do not require high culinary competences. You will devote to their development only a very reasonable time.

P.S.: This menu of the week was worked out for France. Frenchmen like to eat certain foods that other countries do not want to eat. I am well placed for this. I have a French culture and I reside abroad. If for instance you do not want to eat the rabbit fricassee, you can replace this meat by another white meat with the exception of the pig. Thus be imaginative. Retain this proverb: by nature, all beats which run are thin. Thus the hare is also a lean meat.

Lunch: White salad of cucumber, Roasted cockerel with celery branches, Pears with red wine.
Dinner: Preserved sweet peppers, Stuffed tomatoes, Cream cheese with raspberry jelly.

Lunch: Leeks in vinaigrette, Herrings potato salads, Fruit of season.
Dinner: Farfalles (sort of pasta) with tuna and its small vegetables, Peach in grapefruit jelly.

Lunch: Rasped carrots, Salmon in curl paper, Yoghourt with fruits.
Dinner: Beet salad, Calf chop accompanied by mashed potatoes and green salad.

Lunch: Paella, Fruit salad.
Dinner: Salad of tagliatelli (sort of pasta), Beef roast with French beans, Charlotte with pears.

Lunch: Half pink grapefruit, Sea-bream with lemon, Sorbets.
Dinner: Artichoke with dressing, Smoked salmon, Meringues

Lunch:Tomato salad with nets of anchovy, Turkey escallop with braised endives, Fruit of season.
Dinner: Asparagus’s with dressing, Fricassee of rabbi, Apples in curl paper.

Lunch: Carpaccio of Saint-Jacob, Lucculus escallop with green salad, Flambé banana
Dinner: Collation or diet.

Those recipes will be explained in my next articles with of course the same titles.

Other Articles How To Put An End To The Cholesterol Without Any Medecine:

Burn Fat Fast

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Put an end to the Cholesterol Part VI

Burn Fat Fast article: Put An End To The Cholesterol Without Any Medecine Part VI

The best way to reduce your bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) and triglycerides is not to take some specific medicines because every medicine can generate side effects. Read therefore carefully this real story and you will be convinced that the best way is to follow a regular cholesterol diet. The practice of a normal sport will help you as well to increase your good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol).

1. Medicine against the cholesterol is not the ransom of glory:
It seems natural that a subject of around fifty at which one discovers a cholesterol excess says: my doctor will prescribe me a medicine and my problem will be solved. Very simple he! Not, what a huge mistake!

Any chemical substance introduced into the body often can involve gentle adverse effects, sometimes frightening, from small digestive disorders until more severe incidents. You have just to consult the famous note placed in each box of remedy to be surprised.

2. A real story:
Mr X is on the point of celebrating Christmas in his family. This man with a certain corpulence has been treated for one month by an anti-cholesterol medicine which will allow him (he was thinking) to pass by this special diet against the cholesterol.
In this morning of this festive, Mr X is anxious: for a few days its wild appetite has made place with an unexplained anorexia and especially it discovers with stupor that its eyes are yellow. Called immediately, his family doctor quickly made diagnose an hepatitis, confirmed the same day by a blood test. This ignition of the liver will prove to be due to the medicine against cholesterol.
Sad end of Christmas for Mr X who spent several weeks to recovered from the incident but which cures fortunately without sequel.
For this day, this jovial fellow has scrupulously followed the diet imposed by his practitioner, diet which paid off (standardized cholesterol, kilos in excess volatilized) and he never feels so well!

3. A lesson to be retained:
Follow your cholesterol diet which will become after a few weeks a new manner of feeding you as far from being sad and monotonous. You will fell yourselves much more healthy, much more alarm and you will not want any more to proceed in this bad way.

4. A capital precision:
Of course, there is no question of underestimating the peremptory necessity here to use anti-cholesterol medicine when the results obtained by the diet are not sufficient.
But a medicinal prescription will be made only after having been ensured that the food rules will have been perfectly complied.

5. The sport, an essential complement with your diet:
Studies showed that the sport practiced regularly generates an increase in the good cholesterol (remember, it is the HDL cholesterol) and more the sport activity is important more this benefit is appreciable.
It is not however in our intentions to want to transform you into a marathon runner or high level triathlon runner!

It is enough for you to choose a physical activity which you like and which you practice in an assiduous way. Daily walk is completely adapted. You can also register you with a club of swimming, pedestrian excursions or bicycle.
If your professional timing is too charged, change simply your bad habits: do not use your car for little courses and do not hesitate to give up the elevator for two or three floors.

Let us announce in addition that a regular physical activity makes it possible to fight other cardiovascular factors. First advantage, ponderal excess: there is not true sportsman obese. Secondly, nicotine consumption: sport and tobacco are antagonistic terms. Thirdly, high blood pressure (arterial hypertension): the physical activity is an essential key to fight this affection.

Watch out! The violent sports must absolutely be avoided starting from forty: tennis, squash, badminton, speed races ... especially in competition.
So however you absolutely wish to continue at this age such activity, it is essential to consult your cardiologist who will propose to you a test effort, only valid way to check your aptitude for such exercises.

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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Put an end to the Cholesterol Part V

Burn Fat Fast article: Put An End To The Cholesterol Without Any Medecine Part V

How to reduce your bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) and triglycerides and how to higher your good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) in a good way. Certain foods are good for a diet but a few of these foods are very bad for your cholesterol and certain way of cooking have to be proscribed (Presented in Part III). I present to you eight sauces achieved without animal fat, being able to accompany various dishes or products.

The eight sauces:
When you choose a dish worked out starting from natural food, i.e. cooked with the grill, the vapour or water - without another preparation - it is obvious that that a sauce is essential to raise the taste of a product.

Do not forget to use without restriction vinaigrette based on olive oil, grape pips oil and different wine vinegars, cider vinegar or balsamic vinegar or raspberry vinegar and all sort of herbs and spices.

These receipts presented are for 4 people.

Tomato sauce (containing fresh tomatoes):
Ingredients: 6 quite ripe tomatoes, 1 spoon with olive oil, 1 furnished bouquet, 1 white onion, 1 clove of garlic, salt and pepper.

Peel tomatoes. Cut of the pieces. Press to eliminate water and the pips. In a pan, make heat the olive oil, throw distinct onion there. Cook it 2 to 3 minutes. Add the pieces of tomatoes, chopped garlic, the furnished bouquet, salt and peppered. Let cook 50 minutes. Remove the furnished bouquet, pass the preparation to a conical strainer. Heat and the sauce has to be served in a gravy boat.

Smooth sauce with herbs:
Ingredients: 4 white eggs, 2 olive olie spoon, chive, fresh parsley, pepper and salt.
Remit the oil and the white eggs in a large bowl. Go up to the whip to obtain a consistent and firm preparation. Add finely chopped parsley and chive. Flavor.
Alternative: use other herbs (tarragon, parsleyl, basil) and other spices according to your taste.

Barbecue sauce:
Ingredients: 1 tin of 250 grams of fresh tomato sauce, 4 spoons of olive oil, 1 spoon of Armagnac, 1 large pinch of curry, 1 teaspoon of sweet herbs, salt and pepper.

In a large bowl, mix the tomato sauce and the olive oil. Add sweet herbs, the curry and season. Cook in a pan ten minutes. Add Armagnac. Let cook a few minutes and serve it in a gravy boat.

Robert Sauce:
(traditional! accompanying the meat grills in an excellent way)
Ingredients: 75 cl of poultry broth. 1 dl dry white wine dl, 1 spoon with strongly mustard, 1 spoon with tomato puree, 4 spoon with flour, 1 carrot, 1 dl grape pips oil , 2 white onions, 1 furnished bouquet, pepper and salt.

Peel carrot and onions. Cut an onion and the carrot in slices. Chop other onion. Make heat oil in a pan. Seize the carrot and the onion in slices. Integrate the flour and the tomato puree. With tanning, add it the poultry broth and leave it cooking 45 minutes. In a pan, throw chopped onion, the vinegar and the white wine.
Let reduce half. Pour in the pan. Leave it stewing during 15 minutes and flavor. Pass the preparation to the conical strainer, add mustard out of fire while stirring up quickly. The sauce has to be served in a gravy boat.

Ravigote sauce: (without cooking and in accompaniment of poultry)
Ingredients: 2 wine vinegar spoons, 6 olive oil spoons, chive bits, parsley bits, 2 branches of tarragon, 2 large gherkins, 3 teaspoons capers, 1 teaspoon mustard, pepper and salt.

Chop herbs, gherkins and capers. In a bowl, put mustard, season, pour the vinegar. Well mix. To add oil while stirring up vigorously to obtain a consistent preparation. To incorporate capers, gherkins and herbs. Mix well and present in gravy boat.

Vinaigrette with tomato:(accompanying cold fish boiled in a broth)
Ingredients: 1 mustard spoon, 3 well ripe tomatoes, 6 olive oil spoon, 2 lemon juice spoon, 2 vinegar spoon of Jerez, salt and pepper.

To plunge tomatoes in ebullient water to peel them. Cut its in 4 parts. Press its to extract water and the pips. In a blender, pour tomatoes, oil, vinegar, mustard, lemon juice, pepper and salt. Convert in puree. Reserve for the refrigerator and serve it in gravy boat.

Sauce with mint: (accompanies the grills and the meat skewers)
Ingredients: natural yoghourt with 0% fat, 2 chopped fresh mint spoons,1 paprika pinch, 1 crushed small pepper of Cayenne, 1 salt pinch.

Pour yoghourts in the blender. Incorporate the different ingredients. Pour its preparation obtained in a bowl, Place it in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Before being used decorate it with leaves of fresh mint.

Anchoyade: (in accompaniment of a part of ox or roasted horse)
Ingredients: 2 small tins of anchovy nets (50 gram), 1 spoon of lemon juice, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 shallot, 1 spoon of chopped parsley, 1 olive oil spoon.

Peel and chop finely garlic and shallot. In a mortar, crush the anchovy nets. Add in more 1 olive oil spoon, garlic, the shallot, the parsley and the juice of lemon.
The preparation thus obtained must have the consistency of a pomade.
This delicious sauce will be pasted on roasted farmhouse bread sections on which one will lay out the pieces of meats.

Other Aticles of How To Put An End To The Cholesterol Without Any Medecines:

Burn Fat Fast

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Put an end to the Cholesterol Part IV

Burn Fat Fast article: Put An End To The Cholesterol Without Any Medecine Part IV

What to know about the cholesterol, the LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol), the HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol) and the tryglyceides. The deal is to decrease the bad cholesterol (LDL=Low Density Lipoproteins) and the triglycerides and to increase the good cholesterol (HDL= High Density Lipoproteins). This fourth part will give you info about: ten commands against the cholesterol, an ennemy to not be underestimated: sugar, principal sugars to be avoid and test your future level of cholesterol.

Ten commands:
1. Make 3 meals per day, including one copious breakfast.

2. Consume without moderation all the fruit and vegetables.

3. Give up the pork-butchery, eggs, fat cheeses and butter.

4. Accept fish or white meats for the lunch and the dinner.

5. Leave dairy products if they are not to fat content 0% fat.

6. Eat an apple for a small hollow.

7. Think of choosing the good mode of cooking.

8. Use the olive oil, the grape pips oil and the vegetable margarine’s.

9. Like the bread, the pastes and rice, they will return it to you.

10. Drink - with moderation - a red wine of quality, the only beneficial alcoholic drink.

An enemy not to be underestimated: sugar
You now are a good fat hunter and your loss of weight is not any more one question of will and perseverance.

Watch out however not to fall into the trap which consists in compensating for your lacks by an excessive fast sugar consumption.

Fast sugars, contrary to essential slow sugars (breads, pasta, potatoes, rice), should be used only at the time of an important physical or sporting effort. They are very energetic and provide in little time much of calories.

If you are sedentary, fast sugars become enemies and will oppose your loss of weight.

Principal sugars to be avoided:
The food:
Piece of white sugar, white sugar powders, the toasts (crackers), flour, dry fruits, honey, marmalade, the black chocolate or with milk (to be crunched)

Soft drinks:
Sweetened fruit juice, sodas, lemonade, Indian tonic
The light version is the best.

Alcoholic drinks:
Beer, whisky, bourbon, cognac, rum, gin, vodka, white alcohols, pastis, cooked wines (port, Madeira, ...).

Lastly, retain that sugars known as fast are in fact slow to digest when they are mixed with other food substances.

Test your future cholesterol level:
Test number 1: To prepare your salad? Olive oil or Groundnut oil or Sunflower oil.

Test number 2: To accompany your salad? Shrimp or Smoked salmon or Crab (crumbs).

Test number 3: A start at the restaurant? Oysters or Herring with potato salad or tureen of countryside.

Test number 4: A fish? Sea-breams (Chrysophrys) or Mackerel or Sardines.

Test number 5: A meat? Rib steak or Escallop of turkey or Calf chop.

Test number 6: A meat barbecue? Chipolatas or White pudding or a lamb chop.

Test number 7: A barbecue of sea? Norway lobsters or Mullet or Skewer of Saint-Jacob.

Test number 8: A cooked dish? Sauerkraut furnished or Guinea fowl with cabbages or Beef stew .

Test number 9: A dessert? Floating island or pears with the wine or plate of sorbets.

Test number 10: bananas flambe or burned cream or Pineapple with kirsch.

Results of the test:
Test number 1: The groundnut oil is your enemy. We have a preference for the olive oil.

Test number 2: Shrimp and crab, although thin, are very rich in cholesterol.

Test number 3: The oysters are very rich in cholesterol. The pot of countryside is catastrophic.

Test number 4: Three good fishes but the sea-bream is the thinnest.

Test number 5: Turkey or calf: two white meats to consume.

Test number 6: The white pudding is excellent for you.

Test number 7: Without hesitation, choose the mullet.

Test number 8: Cheers, if you found guinea fowl with cabbage.

Test number 9: The floating island is the worst dessert for your cholesterol.

Test number 10: No the burned cream, but well the pineapple with kirsch.

Therefore, what is your score for this test?
Between 80 and 100: Bravo
Between 60 and 80: You are on the good way, continue.
Between: 50 and 59: Insufficient efforts. Read again my preceding articles.
Below 50: it is time perhaps to take contact with your cardiologist

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