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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Distribution of the Body Fat, Body Water and the Muscular Mass Compared To

Burn Fat Fast Article

Distribution of the Body Fat, Body Water and the Muscular Mass Compared To the Weight of the Body
( in %)

First off all, some comments:
- In this table, you can remark that the fat level of the women is higher than the men and there are quite physiological reasons for that.
- As well the level of the muscular mass nevertheless will decrease during the life. This is quite a negative point because a lower of the muscular mass will decrease the metabolism and therefore less calories will be burnt which favor the stock of the fat.
- These sort of balances with these information are quite relevant and give the opportunity to check what's going on with a particular diet. Why to make a diet and to lose weight if this is to lose more muscular mass than the fat.. All the hypo caloric diets have this problem. Some diets have a diuretic effect. The fact that your body mainly loses water is not at all the goal because you get it back later.

This why I recommend again the " Burn the Fat and Feed the Muscle" program. A good way to increase your metabolism and therefore to burn more calories every day. Therefore visit this site: http://www.burnthefat.com/?hop=patbeaufay
and don't forget subscribing to this free 12-part mini course

- Age: 12-18
. Fat: little: less than 8 , standard: 8-18, a lot: 18-24 , enormously: more than 24
. Water body: more than 63.5
. Muscular mass: less than 45
- Age: 18-30
. Fat: little: less than 8 , standard: 8-18 , a lot: 18-24 , enormously: more than 24
. Water body: more than 62.5
. Muscular mass: less than 45
- Age: 30-40
. Fat: little: less than 11 , standard: 11-20 , a lot: 20-26 , enormously: more than 26
. Water Body: more than 61
. Muscular mass: 43
- Age: 40-50
. Fat: little: less than 13 , standard: 13-22 , a lot: 22-28 , enormously: more than 28
. Body water: more than 60
. Muscular mass: 41
- Age: 50-60
. Fat: little: less than 15 , standard: 15-24, a lot: 24-30 , enormously: more than 30
. Body water: more than 59
. Muscular mass: 40
- Age: > 60
. Fat: little: less than 17 , standard: 17-26 , a lot: 26-34 , enormously: more than 34
. Body water: more than 58
. Muscular Mass: less than 40

- Age: 12-18
. Fat: little: less than 15 , standard: 15-25, a lot: 25-33 , enormously: more than 33
. Body water: more than 58.5
. Muscular mass: less than 40
- Age: 18-30
. Fat: little: less than 20, standard: 20-29 , a lot: 29-36 , enormously: more than 36
. Body water: more than 56
. Muscular mass: 40
- Age: 30-40
. Fat: little: less than 22 , standard: 22-31 , a lot: 31-38 , enormously: more than 38
. Body Water: more than 53
. Muscular mass: 39
- Age: 40-50
. Fat: little: less than 24, standard: 24-33 , a lot: 33-40 , enormously: > more than 40
. Body Water: more than 52
. Muscular mass: 38
- Age: 50-60
. Fat: little: less than 26 , standard: 26-35 , a lot: 35-42 , enormously: > more than 42
. Body water: more than 51
. Muscular mass: 36
- Age: > 60
. Fat: little: less than 28, standard: 28-37 , a lot: 37-47 , enormously: more than 47
. Body water: more than 50
. Muscular mass: less than 36

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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Body Fat, Curse or Blessing ???

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Body Fat

Curse or blessing ???

For a long time, one determined only because of the absolute body weight if an individual were obese or not. The body weight only however constitutes a reliable characteristic neither for a possible obesity, nor for a good health general or bad because it can be composed of percentages fully different of muscular mass and fat.

An example on this subject: If an individual does much sport, one can leave the principle (while simplifying) that its body weight is composed for a more significant part of muscular mass than it is not the case at a non sporting individual. Our sports man can now be heavier because of his muscular mass, but however in better health than the non sportsman. In the same way, an individual who aims at reducing his body weight with a diet can be certainly lighter than another person, but present a higher percentage of body fat and thus a worse health general. It is in particular during the diets which the tendency is rather with the muscular loss of muscular mass than the loss of fat.

It is for these reasons that the definition according to which obesity is characterized as the presence of superfluous fat has been imposed for a few years.

In our Western industrial nations, the number of clinical signs due to a percentage of too high body fat is subject to concern. Too high values of body fat are comparison, and that rightly, as prove it scientific investigations, with a raised cholesterol level, hypertension, cardiac diseases, the diabetes and even cancer. Moreover, the psychic consequences of obesity should not be underestimated either.

On another side, it should not however be forgotten that body fat is supposed to fill of the extremely important functions: a lack of fat can lead to a deficiency in vitamins and nutritive substances which are stored there and which have an essential consequence for the vital functions of the human organism. Moreover, body fat contributes, in the same way that body water, to control the temperature of the body. It is also the fat which covers the articulations of the man and who protects the internal organs.

Superfluous body fat is formed when so-called "the energy balance" is positive, i.e. when the contribution in calories by the food which we introduce is higher than the consumption of calorie. The food is used initially as supplier of the energy which the human body must use to maintain its vital functions; in form part for example breathing, the circulation blood and the conservation of the minimal body temperature. In second place, the contribution in food meets the energy need that all the physical activities to the full extent require, therefore, for example to go, speak and obviously also the sports activity.In third place finally, a part of the energy delivered at the time of the catch of food is on the other hand necessary to the digestion even of food.

The daily requirement in calories indeed necessary to the three quoted fields, especially because of our daily activities which require, nowadays, most of the time little movement, is however largely below the values which one usually supposes. The consumption of calories for the various activities of many individuals is also largely estimated at a too high level.

False estimates of this kind, a food often too rich in fat and the largely widespread lack of exercise lead so that today great parts of the society have an extensive weight, and it is in this considerable measurement that the children are also concerned with this fact.This supports once again the risk of serious diseases.

The key to reduce superfluous body fat is to reach a negative "energy balance", i.e. it is necessary to consume more calories than what is given to the body at the time of the food. This can be reached thanks to a balanced food and poor in fat which must be obviously adapted to the respective requirements of each individual: a person working hard physically has naturally a requirement for calories definitely higher than a person working in a sitting position.

In order to guarantee a durable success at the time of the reduction of the percentage of body fat, a modification of the food practices should always go hand in hand moreover with a more important physical activity. The sporting exercise does not consume only complementary energy, it also contributes to creation with the creation of muscular mass. This one plays a role which one should not underestimate when one plans to reach a negative energy balance because the muscles consume additional energy, even with the at-rest state, i.e. also when they are not in activity.

With the balance of nowadays you can as well measure your percentage of body fat and your purcentage of muscle. These professional balances now are not at all reserved to dietitians, cardiologists …

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Body Water, the Elixir of Life Underestimated

Burn Fat Fast Article

The body Water

The Elixir of Life Underestimated

The human body in good health is composed of approximately 50-65 % of water. No other substance in the body, separately the oxygen, has comparable and such an important influence on such many functions different from the body. Water forms part of all the body processes, of the cells of the body, the tissues and the organs. They however is distributed differently according to areas of the body. For example, the percentage of water in blood, the muscles and the most important organs represents nearly 70 %; on the other hand, the fat contains only very little water, approximately 23 %.

Body water plays among other things a decisive role at the time of the control of the body temperature and the feeding of the cells in nutritive substances: glucose, enzymes, hormones and in oxygen. Moreover, it helps with the evacuation of toxic substances and the metabolic substances of the cells, contributes to spare the articulations and reinforce the musculature and hydrates tissues and the skin.

By evacuating sweat and the urine, like while breathing, the man however constantly loses body water throughout the day. The quantity of evacuated water depends among other things factors such as the physical activity, of possible disease, the catch of drugs, of the hormonal modifications, the food and also in particular the respective climatic conditions.

Whereas the man can survive one relatively long period without food without that leading thus obligatorily to serious problem of health, only a few days without a sufficient absorption of liquid can lead to problems of very dangerous health. This is all the more valid as a body water deficit also automatically means rock salt deficiency (for example, out of zinc, copper, selenium, etc). This is why it is extremely important to feed its body of sufficient liquid.

Moreover; Thirst is not the most reliable sign for a malnutrition in liquid! Indeed, thirst appears only when the body already indicates the first appearances of dehydration. The first signs of dehydration's can be for example tiredness, headache, a lack of capacity of concentration and physical performance, as well as giddiness's. You should also hold account on this subject of the symptoms such as a dark-colored urine (possibly very odorous), a desire for urinating definitely weak, a dry mouth, dry lips and skin, as well as nausea, even the constipation.

Too low body water values do not indicate however obligatorily a too low consumption of liquid. The absorption of water with laxative food (alcohol, drinks with high percentage of caffeine like the coffee or black tea and some food such as asparagus's) or of drugs also enters in account of line as causes. In order to compensate for the loss of liquid, an adult individual should consume each day approximately two liters of liquid, best being in the form of water, sugar-free fruit juices, of tea s containing fruit or plants.

It would be however to make a great error believing that, with the inverse, body water values located above the average are inoffensive, or even healthy. It is precisely all the opposite because the values of high body water can be the sign of serious problems of health, for instance a reduced functioning of the kidneys. A reduction of the kidneys, and consequently the less frequent evacuation of urine, can, for the same contribution of liquid, to lead to an accumulation of water in the body. The presence of too much water in tissues requests however the heart and conduit with an increase in the blood pressure; if water accumulates in the lung, a pulmonary edema, very dangerous for the health, can even appear.

One thus judges hardly the importance of body water for the health of each individual, and it is precisely for this reason that you should start as of today regularly controlling your personal percentage of body water.

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