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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Which are the best plants to stimulate the sexual function?

Burn Fat Fast:  Which are the best plants to stimulate the sexual function?

A question which often returns, namely how to stimulate the sexual function, libido, in a natural way. There are many plants having the reputation to improve the sexual performance and to stimulate the desire. It is necessary however to be conscious that the effect of these plants cannot be compared with the effect of a drug, such as Viagra, for example. The effect of the drug is generally very fast, but also very momentary (ephemeral). The effect of the plant is more subtle and more durable. Moreover, the majority of these plants also have reconstituting properties of the general condition and also have protective effects against the attacks of the stress.
Finally let us mention that there exists very little of in-depth studies on the stimulative properties of the sexual function of these plants, their reputation is mainly based on empiricism and the tradition very often thousand-year-old.
Here is a list of the most popular plants in this field:

Cordyceps is used in China since centuries, mainly to increase longevity.
- It pushes back the threshold of tiredness.
- It increases energy, accentuates the endurance and improves the physical
- It improves the mental functions.
- It supports a faster recovery following the disease.
- It increases the immunizing system effectiveness.
- It fights against premature ageing thanks to its antioxidant action.
- It improves the sexual function.
The studies carried out on more than 1000 men and women showed a tonic effect on the defective sexual functions.

More info on the Cordyceps sexual stimulant on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cordyceps

The tribulus is a plant used in India since millennia. It pushes however a little everywhere in the world.
- It supports the muscular development and increases the force and the physical
- It fights general tiredness.
- It acts favorably on the sexual function.
According to studies practiced in Bulgaria between 1982 and 1983, the extract of tribulus would make increase the rates of various hormonal steroids what could have a favorable effect on the libido and the physical force. Other studies, more recent, carried out researchers of Singapore, showed that the extract of tribulus has positive effects on the sexual behavior of the rats and rabbits.

More info on the Tribulus sexual stimulant on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribulus

The rhodiola is another plant with the adaptogene properties which seems to adapt to all the needs for the organism.
- It attenuates considerably the misdeeds of the stress.
- It accentuates the memory.
- It allows a better recovery following a physical effort.
- It makes it possible to draw more easily from the fat reserves and to use energy necessary to the physical effort.
- It supports a better management of the stress.
- As all the plants adaptogenes it would exert a favorable action on the sexual function.
According to results of a study undertaken in 1987 in Russia near 35 men suffering from erection dysfunction or premature ejaculation, 26 subjects knew a clear improvement of their sexual function thanks to an extract of rhodiola (150 with 200mg per day over 3 months).

More info on the Rhodiola sexual stimulant on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhodiola

The maca is a known plant for a long time peasants of the Peruvian high plateaus.
- It fights chronic tiredness.
- It accentuates the physical performances.
- It regularizes hormonal balance at the woman.
- It accentuates the reproductive capacities at the man and the woman.
- It improves the libido either sexual energy just as the erection function of the man.
On the medicinal level, the maca contains tannins, saponins and alkaloids (macamides and macaenes). The maca contains also isothiocyanates and glucosinolates which confer its aphrodisiac and invogoring properties to him, improving the set of the functions of the organism.
The maca, that some do not hesitate to call natural Viagra, acts however in a quite different way. Whereas Viagra takes effect in the very short term and comprises dangerous effects, the maca acts later on thanks to its tonic properties.

More info on the Macca sexual stimulant on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macca

Ashwaganda (ashwagandha withania somnifera):
The ashwaganda has been an Indian plant used for more than 2000 years in ayurvedic medicine. It is also called the Indian ginseng. This plant was also used traditionally as aphrodisiac. One mentions his use in Kama Sutra like stimulant of the sexual function. This plant is especially famous for its reconstituting and adaptogene properties against the effects of the stress.

More info on the Rhodiola sexual stimulant on Wikipedia:

During many years it will have been the plant generally mentioned for sexual strength. It acts mainly of an adaptogene plant, getting a revitalizing action. It is recommended to all the people who miss vitality. It is effective to improve the performances as well physical as intellectual.
The ginseng is also an excellent supplement to fight against tiredness, the depression and the stress. It makes it possible to face the requirements of the modern life, characterized by its rushed rhythm.

More info on the Ginseng sexual stimulant on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ginseng

The salsepareille:
Probably not really known for its stimulative action of the sexual function, the salsepareille is however regarded as an aphrodisiac in very many countries (in particular in China, India, Mexico, Argentina).
It would look after the impotence. At the woman it stimulates the production of progesterone and treats the premenstrual syndrome as well as the disorders connected to the menopause, such as the asthenia and the depression.

More info on the salsepareille sexual stimulant on Wikipedia: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salsepareille

Here are 2 another articles about the plants:

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