The interview of a nutritionist
Burn Fat Fast Article
The interview of a nutritionist
Is it engraves to jump a meal?
But there are no "serious" consequences for the organism if a meal is exceptionally missed. But the danger remains of taking the practice of this exeption! The stress and the lack of time are often pretexted to deny the breakfast. Certain people also hope to lose their roundnesses while denying the breakfast. But these food practices support a few hours later the uncheckable desires and a more important contribution in calories! When one has the empty belly, it is difficult not to crack for a chocolate bar.
Cretan diet: myth or reality?
The cretan diet is a food which one finds in all the Mediterranean circumference.
But in fact of diet, it is acted rather of a very healthy food.
The study so called as "Lyon" showed that a Mediterranean diet reduced of more than 70% the risk of repetitions and mortality at the people having undergone an infarct. The secrecy of the cretan food resides in meals rich in fibres, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, much of fruit and vegetables, fish and a little meat. The consumed lipids contain mono-unsaturated fatty acids like olive oil, butter is well banished!
Is it necessary to be wary of fat?
To be wary about it, yes; to remove it, not ! Among the lipids, one distinguishes 3 types of fatty acids. Saturated fatty acids (butter, sour cream), if these fatty acids are consumed in too great quantity, the risk of a cardiovascular problem increases. The mono-saturated fatty acids are found in the colza or olive oil: they protect the cardiovascular apparatus increases and controls the cholesterol level. The poly-unsaturated fatty acids (omega 3 and omega 6, essential fat acids), present in vegetable oils like vegetable oils as the sunflower, soya or fish oils, are beneficial for the arterial system, within the framework of a controlled consumption. The fatty acids appear beneficial in general for the organism but they should be consumed in a moderate way (oil 1g contains 9 calories!) and to vary the various contributions. But especially, it is necessary to be wary of the hidden fats... in the chocolate, the dessert creams, the pastries ...
Which difference are there between a dietician and a nutritionist?
Dietician and nutritionist are professionals of the food. The dietician holds a diploma obtained at the end of a formation dedicated to the food (university diploma, 2 years). whereas the nutritionist followed studies of medicine Before specializing in the nutrition. The dietician balances the diet of his patients by the means of natural methods (rhythm of life, types of foods.) but cannot manage drugs to them, contrary to the nutritionist.
Information abouth this study:
In 1988, the study undertaken in Lyon (France) by Serge Renaud (Lyon Heart Diet Study) gave to the honor the benefit health of the Mediterranean food. It was led on a population having already been victim of a infartus of the myocardium and observed a fall of 75% of the number of relapses among patients according to a diet of cretan inspiration compared to a traditional mode.
Interview of the nutritionnist: Doctor Régis Piquemal, diploma of DESC of nutrition. Head of department of the unit of internal medicine. Hospital center of Blois (France).
Burn Fat Fast
Labels: interview of a nutrtionist, nutritionist